

All posts from Mifty

All That's Awesome/Movies

Iron Man 2 Hope and Change Obama-style Poster

One of my favorite parts of the Iron Man 2 movie was the Obama Iron Man Poster of Hope and Change. I thought I was the only person that thought this poster was great until I found out that many people are looking for this poster online. Well, for anybody out there that is interested, djbowen at Deviantart has created a pretty good replica. Keep Reading

Free Stuff/Google/News & Rants

Google is bent on world domination, and I’m willing to let it happen…

So, as the entire world knows, I'm a Google-Groupie! Google can do no wrong in my eyes. I love everything from their Chrome browser to Google Maps to Gmail. (Oh, i also love their search engine...) Anyways, a friend recently introduced me to Picasa by Goolge. Picasa is a free photo management software from Google. Simply put, Picasa is AWESOME! All I can say is Google does it again! You can edit photo, create slideshows, upload your images and so much more. Keep Reading

Free Stuff

F.lux: Screen Brightness based Time of Day

F.lux is a great application for people like myself who stay in front of a computer all day! The application makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day. F.lux adjusts the glow of your monitor (brightness and tint) based on the time of day, dimming your monitor later into the evening and tinting the screen color based on the kind of lighting you use. Keep Reading

News & Rants

Mifty is Joining the Do-Follow Movement (You Comment – I Follow)

After years of working in the SEO field, I have been brainwashed to think that following other people’s links is a bad thing. That’s why many of the sites that I’ve built use the no-follow link attribute. But recently, I’ve started to become influenced by the do-follow movement also known as You Comment – I Follow. Now, don’t get me wrong, if you are looking at things purely from an SEO point of view, do-follow links make no sense, but from a blogging point of view, do-follow links are the best way to foster interaction between your blog and your visitors. Keep Reading

Mifty's Chart of Awesome
All That's Awesome

Mifty’s Chart of Awesome

The following is Mifty's Chart of Awesome. The chart is my attempt at classifying everything that I find awesome from a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 being the most awesome thing in the universe. Some of the items in the chart are obvious such as Batman getting 100% Awesome (Come on, we all know that nobody is more awesome than Batman) Keep Reading

All That's Awesome

Welcome to

Welcome to, my little corner of Awesomeness on the web. This blog focuses on my various passions and hobbies, mainly software development and comic books. I also plan on writing about people who inspire me.

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