Google releases a sample Android app that works across phones, tablets, smartwatches, cars, and more
The good folks at Google release a sample app for Android that they are calling A new reference app for multi-device applications. … Keep Reading
The good folks at Google release a sample app for Android that they are calling A new reference app for multi-device applications. … Keep Reading
Merge Sort Similar to Quicksort, Merge sort is a divide and conquer algorithm that generally performs better than quadratic sorting algorithms such … Keep Reading
Quicksort Quicksort is an efficient sorting algorithm, which is using divide and conquer algorithm. Quicksort is much more efficient than quadratic sorting … Keep Reading
Insertion Sort Insertion sort is a sorting algorithm that builds a sorted list one element at a time from the unsorted list. … Keep Reading
Selection Sort Selection sort is a sorting algorithm that uses a combination of searching and sorting to complete the task. During each … Keep Reading
Bubble Sort Bubble sort, also known as sinking sort, is a simple sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly stepping through the list … Keep Reading
Google recently announced that they will stop individual sales of Google Glass in its current form. For those who don’t know, Google … Keep Reading
I recently got back to Android programming and realized that Eclipse with ADT is no longer the default IDE. The good folks … Keep Reading
For over 20 years, the Montreal Community Contact has been serving serving Montreal’s Black and Caribbean Community. This community newspaper is published … Keep Reading
Although CakePHP’s cookbook does a pretty good job at explaining admin routing, I’ve still received requests for a tutorial on admin routing. … Keep Reading