I recently integrated Twitter Bootstrap tabs into one of my side projects. While doing so, I had to create separate links that would control the tabs. In order to do so, I had to use JQuery to find out which link that the user clicked on and then highlight the desired tab. Here is the code that I used to get control of the Bootstrap tabs from an external link. You can click here for the online dem.
$('#myTab a').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var pattern=/#.+/gi //use regex to get anchor(==selector) var contentID = e.target.toString().match(pattern)[0]; //get anchor $('.nav-tabs a[href="'+contentID+'"]').tab('show') ; });
You can check out an online demo by clicking here.
Hi Mifty
I tried the code but I want the links to be in the main menu of a website and activated from another page. Is this possible?
Say I am on the home page and I want to open the second tab then I would use this link from your example:
But it doesn’t open the right tab, only the right page.
Is the code not set up to do that? If not how could the code be modified?