It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of Jim Lee’s artwork. Everything that this guy does blows me away. That’s why I was so amazed by this piece of Jim Lee artwork. The image below is one of the most Epic Jim Lee artworks that I have ever seen. Apparently, this artwork was created as promotional art for DC’s new 52. This is one of the most impressive works that Jim Lee has done in a long time. To see just how epic the picture really is, click on the image to view a larger version of this artwork.

Promotional artworks for Captain America: Civil War
These are my personal favorite artworks and not a full collection of all the promotion artwork that was released for Captain America: Civil War. I
ONe word: EPIC!!!
he’s pretty overrated. All he really does is pinups and all his characters look the same everytime
I dont think that his characters look the same everytime but you are right that over the years, he has become more of a pinup artist. But it still remains that he is my all-timer favorite artist and meeting Jim Lee is still very high on my bucket list.