Welcome to MifTees!

in Artworks/Random Cartoons

Welcome to MifTees!, my awesome webcomic about popular culture according to Mifty. Miftees is a quirky comic that makes fun of characters from comic books, movies and TV shows. The special thing about this webcomic is that every comic is a single panel with no speech bubbles. Anybody who knows me knows that I get bored very easily and that I start a lot of webcomics that I never finish (Partially ’cause I get bored easily and partially cause I’m lazy). So the idea of doing one-page comics was very appealing to me and seemed to solve my huge commitment problem.

The inspiration beheind Miftees comes from this awesome piece of artwork that I ran into. I fell across The Rebel Princess artwork while visiting the Montreal ComicCon. I absolutely loved this picture and realized that I could do these kind of comic art since it required less work than trying to write a full webcomic but it still required creativity to mix pop culture into something amusing. And that’s how an idea was born… For those who’ve never seen this wonderful piece of wonderful popular culture reference, check it out below…


For anyone interested, you can buy the Rebel Princess t-shirt at Tee Turtle

Mifty Yusuf is a Montreal-based software developer who enjoys playing with new web technologies as well as comic books and illustrations. He beleives that, no matter what the question is, the answer is always Batman!

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