Wolverine in the Shadows

in Artworks/Sketches

I’ve been trying to find some time to finally draw an image of Wolverine. He continues to be my favorite Marvel character and I realized that I had not drawn Wolverine in like over 10 years. So, I sat down and decided to sketch out Wolverine. Since I wanted to practice shadows, I added a lot of shadows and looked at how Jim Lee incorporates shadows in his art. (God I love the Icons book from Jim Lee…) Anyways, here is my attempt at Wolverine in the shadows…

Wolverine in the shadows

Edit: I have finished this image and you can look at the final image here

Mifty Yusuf is a Montreal-based software developer who enjoys playing with new web technologies as well as comic books and illustrations. He beleives that, no matter what the question is, the answer is always Batman!


  1. […] This is a inked and colored rendering of an image that I sketched a while back. I called the image Wolverine in the Shadows and said that I would eventually color it one day. Well, this weekend, I completed it. Below is the […]

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